Undergraduate degree of Computer Science

Programme description:

Currently, the IT industry is one of the fastest growing industries. Computerization of production processes and increasingly advanced communication systems create demand for almost all specialists who have knowledge and skills in this field. Many IT companies offer a wide range of trainings for beginners, thereby enabling their continuous professional development. Every year, the IT industry needs more and more specialists, and programmers are among the best paid professions.

Computer science at Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska is a programme that lasts 7 semesters (3.5 years) and the graduate obtains a Bachelor of Engineering degree. These are practical studies and the curriculum includes classes in programming, mobile technologies, computer networks, cybersecurity, databases, computer graphics, operating systems, microcontrollers and robotics. The offer responds to the real needs of the modern labor market, such as: creating applications for mobile devices in Android, iOS systems, processes of integration of mobile applications with IT systems, the ins and outs of the Internet, multimedia technologies, creating computer graphics, cybersecurity and many others. The educational offer is constantly modified and adjusted to the market demands and trends.

Lectures, classes and laboratories are conducted by qualified teaching staff who have practical experience in the IT industry. Most lecturers work professionally as programmers, cyber security specialists, network and computer system administrators, and that is why they are able to acquaint students with current market trends and provide knowledge necessary in professional life. Classes are conducted in modern classrooms, and didactic facilities are constantly modernized and modified. Transferring their professional experience to lecture rooms, the lecturers provide students with knowledge based on practice.

Computer science students can develop their scientific potential through active participation in thematic student research circles (e.g. programming, computer graphics, robotics or cybersecurity). The students also have the opportunity to try their hand in the world of science under the guidance of qualified staff by participating in scientific conferences as well as conducting research and publishing scientific papers.

Students very often start professional work during their studies, which shows that Computer science at PSW is a good choice.

Why study Computer science at Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Eductaion in Biała Podlaska:

  • completing studies allows you to obtain a practical profession related to the IT industry,
  • practical studies,
  • well-equipped IT laboratories,
  • classes take place in well-equipped facilities,
  • practical classes and internships take place at institutions which PSW has signed cooperation agreements with,
  • professional lecturers take part in the education process,
  • the school has its own dormitory.

Employment opportunities:

Students who graduate receive a degree in computer science (BE) and can be employed in companies and institutions that use information technology. In particular, graduates can work as computer software developers, graphic and web application developers, as well as designers and developers of applications for mobile computer systems.  IT engineers can also work as developers or administrators of medium database systems, or computer networks. They can also gain employment in business entities that deal with the construction of information systems, where knowledge of digital electronics, embedded systems and computer control is required.

Register now

Candidates applying for admission to the first year of study are required to register on irk.akademiabialska.pl (the IRK system), and submit documents within the prescribed period to the Dean’s office after being qualified.



Contact person

Magdalena Maciejuk

e-mail: welcome@akademiabialska.plAdres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć.

phone number: +48 797-157-832

Required documents

Persons who are not Polish citizens

The list of documents required for admission to Bachelor's degree for Computer Science in English for person who is not a Polish citizen:

  1. personal questionnaire - the application for admission printed from the IRK system,
  2. a copy of the apostille certified by the university certificate giving access to higher education in the country where it was issued and recognized as equivalent to the Polish Matura certificate,
  3. document / certificate of knowledge of English at B2 level or higher,
  4. medical certificate indicating lack of contraindications to study Computer Science at the Bachelor's Programme.  Referral for medical examination should be printed from the IRK system,
  5. foreigner statement on the health insurance printed from the IRK system,
  6. statement of the legal representative of a minor to grant power of attorney, in the situation when the date of birth of the candidate indicates the age below 18 years old, printed from the IRK system. 

Candidate applying for admission to the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Computer Science in English must demonstrate English language at B2 or at a higher level, confirmed with a relevant certificate.

Secondary school graduation certificates issued abroad are recognized as equivalent to the relevant Polish Matura certificate of under the international agreements concluded by Poland with other countries. Detailed information on the international agreements signed by Poland can be found on the website of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education  http://www.nauka.gov.pl/ .

If the certificate is not covered by any international agreement, then its equivalence can be confirmed only by nostrification.

Scan of documents should be sent to the e-mail address: welcome@akademiabialska.plAdres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć.
Original of documents should be delivered by the 1st October

Nostrification process of school leaving certificates is carried out in Poland in voivodship Offices of Education (Kuratorium Oświaty).

Voivodship Office of Education for Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biala Podlaska is:

Kuratorium Oświaty w Lublinie (Office of Education in Lublin)
20-950 Lublin, ul. 3 Maja 6
telephone: 815385200, fax: 815385230, 815385265
kuratorium@kuratorium.lublin.plAdres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć.

Detailed information on nostrification of school certificates and school leaving certificates obtained abroad can be found at Voivodship Office of Education in Lublin.


Tuition Fee

The amount of tuition fee for students of Bachelor's Degree Programme in Computer Science in English starting in the 2021/2022 academic year is 3200 EURO per year of study.


The student can not apply for any other type of university scholarships.

Knowledge of English

Candidate applying for admission to the Bachelor's Degree Programme in Computer Science in English must demonstrate English language at B2 or at a higher level, confirmed with a relevant certificate.

Accommodation in the PSW Students Dormitory



wtorek, 05 maja 2020 10:15 Poprawiony: środa, 30 marca 2022 08:55 Wpisany przez Marek Kowalczyk